

Friday, June 7, 2019

Late Spring Gardens

Hello dear friends, at this time of year it seems that the gardens are changing by the day!  It is also that time of year when the weeds are aggressively trying to get the upper hand.  This gardener has a plan so we shall have to see who comes out on top!  

Our koi pond is in essentially the same state of completion as last year....which is to say mostly but not totally finished.  We still need to add rubblestone around the outside walls of the pond and then will need to put flagstones on top to hide the edges of the pond and the liner.  Hopefully this project will be completed this year.

We planted mounds of tulips 2 years ago?  3 years ago?  I dont remember.

This Alpine Currant came to the farm from my parents' garden about 25 years ago.  Like so many transplants it performed rather poorly...then one day it came to life and now has a mind of its' own.  We dug it up and divided it and moved it around.  This division is on the road side of one of the sheep pastures.  When we bring the sheep back home many of them make a detour to take a mouthful of this shrub.   It has survived the abuse surprisingly well.

This photo is from a couple of weeks ago when we were on vacation and building the pergola.  I love the vibrant red from the red maple.  This is Jessie's Garden, one of the many German Shepherds we have had at the farm.  In the foreground is the statue marking Kodiak's garden.  Jessie and Kodiak were inseparable.

I love purple in the garden.  These purple tulips have been here for years.

Our puppy Abby thought it would be great fun to pick flowers and toss them in the air.  When I found them I put them in little vases.  

I do love our little garden privy!  It looks like an outhouse but actually houses the recycling and trash.  And it also has been home to other things that we own but have forgotten about.  A rake for example.  

This morning the weather was beautiful so I was up early trying to snap a few photos.  This was a view from our portico deck towards Crab Apple Grove.

Purple tulips again.

This apple tree shades our parking area.  At this time of the year it is so pretty but later in the season it drops apples on our vehicles!

One of the rather wild lilacs at the farm.  The scent is divine!

My husband has been working on the vegetable garden.  I confess to being much more interested in flowers than vegetables.

Our little garden arbour in the early light.

A view from the upstairs balcony towards the chicken coop.   In an earlier post I had lamented the passing of all but two of our chickens.  This week a raccoon feasted on our day old White Rock chicks.  A new supply of chicks have been ordered but sometimes I wonder why we go through the grief of battling wildlife.  Our day old turkeys are all alive and flourishing.  Of course once the frustration subsides it is really very gratifying to raise our own chickens.  

I hope you have enjoyed this quick little update!  We are being promised four straight days of perfect weather so I hope to be very busy working in the gardens.

Thank you for visiting!


  1. Hello :)
    I am very surprised that tulips are blooming in your garden now. In Poland, tulips bloom in April. Lilaks bloom in May.
    We also have chickens. A fox or a wild rat comes to us and takes the eggs. We do not like fox very much. You're right, when the sadness is over, it's nice to breed chickens again.
    Have nice days and nice work :)

    1. I have early and late blooming tulips. These and the Ivory Floradales are the last tulips to bloom in my garden. Some of our apple blossoms are finished but others are coming out and in the next day or so I should have lots of allium blooming. And as for our poor chickens...we have weasels, foxes, coyotes, a mink and even a skunk take eggs or even kill chickens. Thank you for your nice comments!
