

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Looking For Signs Of Spring!

Hello dear friends!  According the calendar we should be experiencing spring so I thought that I would take a little walk around the farm to confirm that spring has actually arrived.  😩  The temperatures have been much colder than we should have at this time of year and last Friday we had about 10 cm of snow.  There are a few glimmers of hope!

I love mosses in the garden.

Some daffodils are breaking through the ground.

This looks like a large stone but is actually a big puffy mushroom.  

The rabbits have been very bold this year.  We have had rabbit tracks on the verandas that wrap around our house.  Their boldness astonishes me considering we have 3 large dogs.  Perhaps noshing on my tulips is worth the risk.

It must be spring if we have a robin?

The maple by the little garden shed has buds.

More moss.

This pin oak tree always holds its old leaves well into spring.

Yellow crocuses.

This purple crocus has papery petals.

Lake Ophelia still looks cold although most of the ice has melted.  A heron made an appearance last week and we have a pair of Canada Geese that have stopped by as well.

There are about 25 lambs in the barn.

A particularly porky lamb.

We use marking paint to identify lambs and their mothers.  This allows us to quickly identify if the lamb is a single or twin, and the colour of the paint allows us to match which lambs belong to which ewes.

Our farm renovations are continuing.  We are doing the work ourselves and it is amazing how easily other more pressing issues seem to push the renovations to the side.  We are slowly making progress on our kitchen and I am working the second guest bedroom.  Optimistically I hope to have some updates soon!

~Thank you for visiting~

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