

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May Stay-cation!

Good morning everyone I am popping in with some quick photos.  We are at home this week working on various outdoor projects-more on that later!

I believe we have solved the mystery of the twig is a wren!

I am not sure why this nest is being built so close to our gazebo and house.  With 3 dogs and 4 cats I would have thought it would have selected a location further away.

Our new laying birds are comfortable in the hen house and have figured out the nesting boxes.  We are now getting 15 eggs per day.

During the day we open the little trap door so they can come outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine.

The crab apple in Bailey's Garden was a profusion of pink blossoms.  The entire tree was buzzing with pollinator activity.  Two days later and most of the blossoms are now on the ground.

This lamium came from a neighbouring farm.  We also have a white variety.

A variety of allium but now I dont recall which one.  

Last year this white crab apple was just covered with blossoms.  This year we only have a handful of flowers.

A little toad visitor to our waterfall pond.  More on that later as I am still working on it!

Our little garden privvy has been liberated from the last piles of left over construction materials.  I will need to do some creative staring to come up with a plan for this area.

~Thank you for visiting!~

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